Posted on 3rd July 20207th July 2020The New NormalHere we are at the beginning of July – it seemed so far away back in March didn’t it?We have talked to you on many topics since the start of the pandemic, some of which we hope were useful!We have also been criticised by some who were of a mind to believe what they read in the papers, where doom and gloom were being preached, and we even lost a sale as a result of a buyer being given negative advice (as it turns out, it was from a professional advisor!).We did worry that we were perhaps lecturing you when we did our somewhat complicated (but now seemingly accurate!), economics guidance, inspired by a first-class behavioural economist.We also started talking about what so many now refer to as the “New Normal”, and we sincerely hope is that our experience of the fair (if at times wet!) month of June is in fact that New Normal!Our hard working, loyal, and experienced teams in Lettings and Sales have been simply amazing in their ability to deal with that New Normal, now regularly handling between 800 – 1000 calls everyday!June stretched our Lettings team, but they stood the challenge (thank you all!) and we hope (think!) they enjoyed the satisfaction of helping to start 34 (!) new tenancies, allowing over 50 individuals and family members to move into their new homes.132 viewings on lettings properties were organised and completed with care, and in line with safety procedures, and 11 new landlords entrusted to manage their properties for them.I’m sure you are already ahead of me here on the maths – 34 properties let and only 11 listed – I think it’s fair to say, we desperately need lots of new landlords/properties to satisfy the increased demand across the region!!The Sales team also did amazing work, managing to arrange, book and carry out 602 viewings in June alone, whilst at the same time agree 64 Sales and list 53 new properties for sale! (At the time of writing they also have over 70 offers still pending!!).We are not often lost for words but………!Wow! The new normal will do!!A big thank you is not only due to all our team, but also to those who have so willingly accepted our new viewing and valuation protocols – keeping both you and our teams safe, is, and will remain, a real priority.Finally, all this positive bluster needs a note of caution.The new normal will not continue if our region suffers a second spike.COVID 19 has not gone away, and it won’t for the foreseeable future.I would urge you that taking care and staying safe must be at the forefront of your thinking in all circumstances – even if you can get out for a meal or go to the pub on Saturday!!Stay Safe.