Posted on 26th March 202126th March 2021The Sunday Times Best Places to Live 2021Arnside and Kirkby Lonsdale are in the top 8 places to live in the North-West according to The Sunday Times Best Places to Live 2021!So, what did they think?Arnside and SilverdaleThe Times were firstly impressed with the area’s response to the recent pandemic with the Arnside Volunteer Group jumping quickly into action with more than 500 volunteers (which included some of our team!) delivering meals, creating a telephone buddy system and making much needed PPE kit for the NHS.Highlights for them included Arnside Knott and the beautiful shoreline, The Arnside Beach Hut, Arnside Chip Shop, Wolf House Gallery, Gibraltar Farm and of course Leighton Moss RSPB Reserve.Their “Best Address” section of course mentioned the fantastic views and Victorian terraces which epitomise the town.Kirkby LonsdaleThey were also overwhelmed with the community spirit in the area from the people of Kirkby Lonsdale, with help being offered for all manner of things such as laundry, groceries, collecting prescriptions and more.Christmas did happen in Kirkby with social distanced carol singing, donated Christmas Trees and Lights, and shop window decorations, all of which were livestreamed to a global audience.Kirkby’s “Best Address” sectioned mentioned some of the charming stone houses found throughout the town and the new Oakfield Park Development – which can be found on our website here: Oakfield ParkThe full list can be found in this Sunday’s Times or on their website here (as long as you have a Times subscription!)